This is by far the best survival game Ive played on iOS. But a few main features you NEED to add! First off, we need maps a lot so we can navigate around the map. Second, beds. That way, when we build a giant house and die, we can spawn there. One big thing to me is the graphics! Can you update them and add a graphics bar? Also, can you make it so you dont move around in your inventory? Another big thing is the car. Please add more than 1 and make it so you can actually back up. Another thing is maybe to update the map so there is more than 1 big town. Next up, ITEMS! You need to add a lot more items, add much more craft able stuff, and upgrade where they spawn! Especially clothes and armor, so you have more inventory. A big thing is water and swimming, to escape zombies, or fish for food. Finally, skills, and a better inventory section. Make the inventory so you can see yourself, and that you can switch to different sections like from inventory to map, to skills. Now on to the bugs. First, zombies spawn way to often and spawn right behind me so I dont know if they are there. Another bug is when you are in you inventory and move stuff, you activate moving around. This is bad when you are in a chest because then when you walk away the item stays in your screen. If you add this stuff into the game, i can guarantee you will be on the top charts! Thanks for taking my suggestions if you do!
Jaws Isawesome about Pixel Z - Gun Day