I love this game! Its like a block version of the walking dead! XD The only things it needs are:
More explosives (Not C4s no no no! RPG, rocket launchers and grenade launchers)
The cars need to go faster, have separate controls, and a reverse function because the second you crash, your screwed
Some more weapons
More melee weapons like a bat
Different textures for zombies
Day turns to night to fast and and night is too long
More cars
A storyline maybe?
Better online function
More realistic weapons and melee weapons
More characters
Certain weapons with certain characters like the doctor could have like a syringe and the farmer could have a pitch fork
Bigger villages and make towns
Fall damage
More food and drinks
Last, realistic functions like if you run into a tree with your car, it will get wrecked, so youll have to fix it. If you get hit by a zombie, youll bleed. The arms should move differently because they look weird and awkward
Other than that, I love this game! Its epic and with a few updates and additions, it could be amazing. This game has so much potential!
Cody and Clair about Pixel Z - Gun Day